Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Geography Lessons

I love it when I get an order (or two!) at my Etsy shop! Not just for the sale, but I use it as a teaching tool! Etsy reaches far & wide across the globe. My boys love hearing about where my Bittybooks are off to live & I like learning about where they go too. So far they have traveled coast to coast in the US (still waiting to hit all 50 states) and to Canada twice! I have another that is hoping to travel to Australia soon! My oldest did win the school Geography Bee last year in 5th grade & did advance to the state finals as one of 100 4th-8th grade students!


Taylor said...

It is so exciting sending and receiving items from across the world. Seeing the addresses, stamps and even packaging reminds me that we are all alike in so many ways no matter where we come from.

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome! I think I'll have to do the same for my daughter.

Congrats to your son. I was in the state finals when I was a kid too.