Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Summer Vacation

School is almost out here for the summer and every year I wish I too could take a summer vacation like I used to have. This year I am doing it! I won't be taking a break from making my notebooks or Etsy, just time off my full time job to get things back in order, spend a little time with my kids, work on a few ideas that keep rattling around in my brain and take care of Mom who is having double knee replacement surgery.

I have an upcoming craft fair in August (the Mt Mitchell Craft Fair) in Burnsville, NC so will have time to make plenty of goodies for that show and also work on building up more books for an October show I am hoping to hear from!

I have just joined up with other Etsy artists from South Carolina and we are getting a street team together so this time will be great to meet up with new friends to promote our work.
Look for more info about our SC team at: http://scstreetteam.blogspot.com/ or see our work at our flickr group: http://www.flickr.com/groups/769694@N21/.

Have a great summer!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Saturday!

It was a very nice day today, sun with a nice breeze, so perfect day to try out a booth display for some upcoming craft shows! I am doing the Mt Mitchell Craft Fair in Burnsville NC the first weekend in August & I am sending off my application for the Jr League Craft Fair in Shelby for October! I needed a new booth picture, the ones I took of my set up at Hill Skills in Greenville SC didn't come out as good as I hoped. My kids were very excited about the booth display & were very helpful in carrying all my things out to the 'booth'. The youngest, Christopher, really enjoyed hiding out under the tables. "Hey Mom, you could store things under here!"

This is a shot of the new set up. I had planned on using this old pie safe my great aunt had, but at the last minute pulled in a second table & like that arrangement better. A few more little tweaks, like weights so my booth doesn't blow away & something to make the riser shelf a little sturdier and I will be ready!